Monday, March 26, 2007

Seymour Papert

Papert invented Logo which turned millions of kids onto programming. The Logo programming language is a functional programming language. He was one of the proponents of Constructionist learning, which has a powerful influence on SLA and all of the project-based learning folks. He was hit by a motorbike and suffered a severe head injury, and lately, he's been a consultant on the One Laptop Per Child project. This project funds the $100 is a proposed inexpensive laptop computer intended to be distributed to children around the world, especially to those in developing countries, to provide them with access to knowledge and modern forms of education. To learn more about Papert,
Click Here


whamptona said...

Your website is outstanding. I checked all of your buttons and they wroked, and also there were no red warning tags in your code. I also enjoyed looking at all the different movies that you had on your website. Amazingly, I liked several of them.

Kem Preston said...

I really enjoyed your webpage. I need to contact you so that you can help me figure out what I did wrong with my homepage pictures. But anywho....your buttons worked, the pages had no grammatical problems (to my notice) and every movie on the page was great! I see that having kids does affect the things you watch.